Covid-19 Policy


A. Your own government state department (foreign office) for international travel might have travel warnings in place, for one or more of the destinations you are visiting. If you decide to travel in spite of these, you must check the advice carefully yourself.

B. You must have insurance covering you for any COVID-19 related issues. Specifically for any claim, loss, liability, cost or expense of whatever nature directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to or resulting from coronavirus disease (COVID-19), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-cov-2), or any mutation or variation thereof. This exclusion also applies to any claim, loss, cost or expense of whatever nature directly or indirectly arising out of, contributed to or resulting from:

(1A). Any fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) of; or

(1B). Any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to any outbreak of; Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus.

You undertake to indemnify the company if additional costs are incurred due to a lack of adequate insurance cover.

C. Galago Travel Ltd has its standard liability in place for all clients – covering non COVID related issues. We will use our best endeavours to assist if an incident occurs during the holiday, however we will have no additional liability and will not incur additional costs as a result of COVID-19 and your decision to travel during the pandemic. This includes any scenario that arises as a result of COVID-19, for example safari cancellation, quarantine on arrival, medical or hospital bills or repatriation.

D. You are aware that the COVID-19 pandemic has made flight schedules prone to change. This might result in flight schedule changing with little notice, necessitating an earlier or later return home.

E. That if you were to contract COVID-19 while on holiday, Galago Travel Ltd cannot guarantee the quality of the hospitals that you might be taken to, or the care you might receive. Usually, we are able to assist in these matters, but due to a likely national approach to treating the virus, you might be taken to a designated public hospital outside of our control.

F. You understand that COVID waves can occur with little warning, impacting on hospital capacity and putting strain on their ability to care for any kind of accident or illness. As above, Galago Travel Ltd will always try to assist in ensuring our clients get the best possible medical care if needed. But ultimately, the pandemic can make it difficult to access medical care if there is a wave putting pressure on the national system of the country you are visiting.

G. During travel, you must strictly follow your own countries national advice on COVID-19. Taking the same precautions that you would do when at home. This might include:

- Wearing a mask in public places and transport.
- Carrying hand sanitiser at all times and using it often.
- Washing hands regularly.
- Avoiding crowds.
- Social distancing where possible - 2m ideally.

H. You understand that each individual country will have very different government-led approaches to COVID-19 safety. As a result, local people often don’t wear masks, are not aware of social distancing and are not taking any of the precautions that have become our norm. Galago Travel uses high quality suppliers who will usually take a more cautious stance. However, our suppliers are only obliged to follow their own national guidelines and these may be below what we are currently accustomed to as the norm.

I. You acknowledge that you might be required to take a PCR test to enter each country on your itinerary, and sometimes for departure also. The tests are usually between US$100 - $350pp, depending on how remote the location is for the test.

J. Although we may arrange the necessary PCR tests for you, we hold no added liability for doing so. For example, if the test results are delayed and you miss a connection or flight, any costs are for your own account. You realise that some testing sites will be below the usual standard you’d expect from a medical facility in your home country.

K. You recognise the possibility of compulsory quarantine on your (and your groups) return.

L. If your itinerary takes you through Zanzibar Airport: we have advised you that this airport does not currently enforce any COVID safety practises. It can often be busy - with queues for check-in and security, and a congested waiting hall.